Saturday 1 January 2011

New Year's day

The mud and melted snow were great fun on the canal-walk, and Millie and Maud managed to get inky black feet, so that was very satisfying for little dogs.
The ice still seemed frozen on the canal, but Maud just wanted to make sure it would still hold by trying to jump on the ice.
"What's the good of a walk if you can't get muddy and wet ", she seemed to say.

The late afternoon brunch was a good way of trying out some new delicacies like smoked salmon and scrambled eggs, which were really good but both Millie and Maud agreed there was just not enough of it.

Then there was a bit of socialising with the cats who have taken to sitting in really high places which was a bit annoying as they could not be reached-.

After a bit of a play-fight it was time to have a nap for Maud.

and a nap for Milly.

What a good way to end New year's day!

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