by Andrea ( Bea )Vonk • 13/07/2014
Photo's: Andrea ( Bea ) Vonk Styling: Andrea ( Bea) Vonk
I love photographing my dogs. They reckon it's a pain, but as long as they get taken somewhere nice afterwards, they don't mind too much., Looking at my dog Millie today, it struck me how she looked so very much like a small painting of a little dog that I have. It's really hard to handle for her little sister, Maud, if Millie seems to get more attention.There's quite a bit of reproach in the one eye as you can see. As it's July there are lot's of local village fetes at the weekends , where you can find book stalls, plant stalls ,live music and dog shows. Perfect for a bit of distraction. So they were both very happy afterwards when we took them to one of the village fetes and they were BOTH much admired. Ah well. You've got to have a bit of attention !
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